Upshabby challenge~ look at things differently

image image imageAre you able to do this? Too many of us get caught in the “it’s not ‘perfect'” conundrum. Sorry mom but I blame that “training” on you.

Those of you that have any understanding of me know that regularly I’ll say “it’s not ‘perfect’ but I don’t live in perfect.”

The pic of the washtub was a stretch. I knew that I wanted metal buckets for our wedding reception. Those buckets are $20 ea. Most people would think “big deal” but not Upshabby. I’d rather spend that $60 on something that matters to us.

I found this antique washing machine cylinder on CL. It was in great shape for the task I wanted it for. Ice bucket anyone?

I brought it home and painted the lid and added the key logo on top. It made sense to me as Ben bought me a key charm that looks antique that hangs around my neck.

Getting back to the challenge of looking at things differently. The coffee table was trash! Not only was it thrashed BUT it had been oil painted. No fears. It was free to me and after I Upshabby’d, I sold it for $75.


There are several places within the blog that I’ve talked about how I do the transfers. I’ve asked people to “like” the Upshabby fb page. Even went so far as to say that if we went to xxx in likes I’d do a video tut on exactly how I do it.

Got a very few likes but I’m done with that. I feel like I’m begging people to allow me to teach them to get the same result. One person says, ” I don’t ‘follow’ but can you produce multiple for me to use?” Excuse me?

She knows who she is and she doesn’t read the blog so I needn’t be concerned. At some point I will do a tutorial but not yet. Feel free to send a message if you’re up for the challenge of looking at things differently.

Signed… Upshabby

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